My little family!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Toddle Along Tuesday: Mommy's Dreams


There are so many wishes, hopes, and dreams that I have for you. 

I can picture you starting Kindergarden, with your little back pack strapped across each sholder turning to me, and waving your hand frantically back and forth to Mommy and Daddy - so excited to start your very first day as a true big boy.  Although I know we'll have tears in our eyes then, I know we'll have even more the day you graduate from high school and shortly there after, college. Oh how much my heart will break to know that you will be a grown man then.  Whatever you choose to do, whereever you choose to go, me and daddy will support whatever you decide fulfills your wishes, hopes and dreams. 

I can see you dating the woman of your dreams, coming home to tell Daddy and I how in love you are, and saying that "I'm going to marry this girl,"  and I'm sure I'll try to convince you otherwise.  :o)  I can see you standing at the altar of a church with your bride, and you turning to me, and give me the most sweetest kiss on my cheek, and then turn to marry the woman that lights your world up.  & I'm sure that it will truly be the most bittersweet moment, ever in my life.  But the truth is Son, that I truly hope you marry a women, that brings you the most joy, the most happiness into your life, that you two will truly be soul mates. I hope you two learn to love her, just like Daddy and I have loved you.  That you two will truly understand the meaning of marriage, and forever hold a bond that noone could ever tear apart. 

Above all I pray that you grow up to be an Honorable, Humble, God-Loving, Young Man.  I can't wait to witness it. I can't wait to stand back and brag about how proud of you - I am.  Just know, whatever life throws your way, I'll be there for you - Might not be able to fix the "problem" but I'll die trying. 

With sappy tears in my eyes, the biggest smile on my face, and the most love in my heart -
I will truly love you more than life alone.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Happy 1st Birthday Colston Ance - PICTURES!

My Sweet Sweet Birthay Boy!!

I loved the theme that I went with. 
1st Wishes: Anchors Aweigh!!

      The Beautiful Cake done by Karen Necaise  She did a great job!

We were overwhelmed with Gifts!

Colston and his poppa!

Colston and his Buddy Teghan and Cha Cha

Pyran Heath Cooking all the great food.

(L) Lu Lu, Colston and Te te  (R)  Teghan So cute!!

My very excited Birthday boy.
All he would do was giggle!

Me and My family.  I love those two guys!

(L) Poppa Gayle, Maw Maw Elsie, Colston (R) Nanna and Poppie

Poppa Junior, Aunt Geraldine, Colston, and Helen and Aunt Jude
(Chris' Side of the family)

Aunt Chas, Colston, and Aunt Jo.
L - Chris' sister R - My sister

I love the picture on the left. 
You can tell he loves me so!

That oh so sweet smile.  God I love it!

Smashin his cake... he ate so much cake he puked chunks of icing that night... YUCk!
Lu lu and Aunt Jo trying to get him to the sink... lol.  Fun day!

He loved his outdoor bath.  He just kept giggling.

Can't you just die for those eyes.  I think they are just gorgeous. 
& No i don't think im bias.

We also had a monstor truck Space Walk. 
Thanks Poppa Gayle!!

Colston got another Marcus Colston Jersey
and some Super Cute jammies from Lu Lu

Opening gifts.. he got so many great things.

His favorite gift of all.
His cars couch from Uncle Eric, Aunt Chas, and Cousin Chaley.

We also had a horse and buggy ride.
Well more like a mule and buggy ride.  lol
The Kids throughly enjoyed it!

Going for a buggy ride, and soon passed smooth out!

Nanna stealing sugars!

Colston, I hope your first birthday was all you wanted and more son.
I love you to the moon and back, and that love grows so much every
day that i spend with you. 
 Love, Mommy

Things WE Couldn't live without during Colston's 1st year of life!!

Here are just a few things that I love being a Mommy and figured that I would share with all you other Mommies!!

Baby Einstein Musical Motion 2 n 1 Jumper & Entertainer 79.99-Babies R Us.

This wonderful jumper and entertainer kept Colston entertained
for hours at a time.  He loved to sit and play in this entertainer
while watching his baby einstein movies!!

Baby Einstein Baby Mozart Discovery DVD Kit 14.99-Babies R US

Oh Baby Einstein movies, how I love you so.
You kept my precious son entertained for so many days.
He is now almost 14 months old, and still love the Baby Einstein
Movies, just the older age or higher level.  These movies were the best purchases.

Sleep Sheep Sounds by Cloud B 25.99-Babies R us

I think without this Sheep, My Husband and I would have had many more sleepless nights.
It soothed him many-of-nights right back to sleep.
It will be sure to be put up for the "next one"

Nap Nanny Infant Recliner 129.99-Babies R Us

This nap nanny was also a great investment because it too gave us many more nights of rest.
My son had severe ear infections and it kept him proped up to the fluid wouldn't
put pressure on his ear drums.  Also, it helps alot with colic and reflux too.  The cover
just slips right off, goes into the washer and dryer, and goes back on perfectly.
We even had his name monogrammed on it just to add that special touch.

Birkshire 2n1 Swing/Bouncy 134.99-Babies R Us

Oh Mr. Swing, how Colston and I loved you so. 
It viberated, sung, and swung.
This was the best purchase of all.  There was just something about that swing.
It would put my Mr Ham right back to sleep. 
He too, slept many of nights in that swing with his ear problems.
I also loved so much that you could just lift the seat right off,
set it on the floor, and it instantly became a bouncer. 
So no extra purchase was needed to buy a bouncy seat.

Bumbo Infant Seat 39.99-Babies R US

This little seat came in handy when Colston was about 3-4 months old. 
I knew instantly that I wanted to start him out early on a spoon.
That way at 6 or 9 months I wasn't fighting with him on how to eat.
This little seat sat him up just right and supported his little head while he ate his
baby food just right!!

Baby Einstein Neptune Ocean Adventure Gym - 69.99-Babies R Us

Colston LOVED LOVED LOVED this activity Gym. 
He would just coo so sweetly while playing under this gym mat. 
It was this mat where he learned to roll over too.

What all did you use to help you get through the first year of raising your little one??

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Chelsea : A-Z

I saw this on Mary's Blog Viva la Vida and thought it was neat and decided to participate.  Here's a few things about me!

Age:  25 years Old.

Bed Size:  King Size.. I often wonder how I ever slept in something other than a King.. it's so nice to just stretch completely across it!

Chore that you hate:  I hate hate hate to wash and fold clothes.  It's so aggrivating to me becuase you have to take the clothes out of the hamper, sort them.  Then put them in the washer, take them out the washer, put then im the dryer, take them out of the dryer, but them in the laundry basket, take each peice of clothing out to fold, then put them up. It's such a lengthy task!

Dogs:  I have 1 dog, Addie, a King Charles Cavalier, and Poodle mix.  AKA Cavapoo!

Essential Start to your day:  A nice, large cup of coffee, and a hot warm bath or shower!

Favorite Color:  Pink, Brown, Green, Aqua, etc.

Gold or Silver:  I will wear both, but prefer Silver.

Height:  5' 7 1/2" Tall!

Instruments you played:  NONE!

Job Title:  Document Control  Clerk

Kids:  Lost one at 12 weeks, and My sweet Colston Ance

Live:  Mississippi

Mother's Name:  Rebecca

Nick Names:  Chels, Boomer

Overnight Hospital Stays:  One as a child with my stomach, one to have my nerve transplant, one to have my DNC, and one when I gave birth to my Son, Colston.

Pet Peeves:  I can't stand for people to make strange noises, voising an opinion when it's not wanted, liars, and much much more.  lol

Quote from a Movie:  The best love is the kind that awakes the soul and makes us reach for more; that plants the fire in our hearts and brings peace to our minds. That's what you given me and that's what i hope to give to you forever."-The Notebook

Right or Left Handed: Right!

Siblings:  Monica, Chantelle, and Josi.  3 Girls!

Time you wake up:  Usually about 5:15 Am... have to leave at 6:15 to get Colston to daycare.

Underwear:  :o)

Vegetable you hate:  I hate hate hate beets, asparagus, and a few more.

What makes you run late:  My sloooowww Husband!

X-rays you've had:  I think i've had them completely all over my body?

Yummy food that you make:  I have so many great recipies... too many to sit a list.

Zoo Animals:  My favorite is either the flamingo's or maybe the penguins?

Monday, October 3, 2011

I can't believe I forgot...

It truly saddens me to know that I forgot one of the most important days that will be forever etched into my mind.  It hit me like a ton of bricks when I remembered that October was Pregnancy and Infant Loss Month, then I felt like a complete, huge, pile of shit. 
I am soo sorry my sweet Angel - that I missed your special day, the day I'll always remember, and never forget.  You'll always hold a special place in my heart, and will always be my first baby.  I'm sure your brother Colston would have loved you so much.  Don't worry though, I promise he will know about you! 
I love and miss you more than you'll ever know - until then, keep dancing with those angels my love.

 My Angel Baby:
I still think about you EVERY.SINGLE.DAY.

With tears in my eyes,
Love Your Momma

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Happy Birthday to my Sweet Boy!

I still can't believe that it's been 365 days since our Sweet Colston came into this world!!

A year since Colston was placed into my arms for the first time...

A year since Daddy put on his first diaper to ever wear...

A year since Chris and I knew how to love deeper than we ever imagined...

A complete year since we became a family of three!!

The past 365 days have been - hands down - the most challenging days of my entire life.
But, they've also been the most happiest, and fulfulling days of my life!

I might be an awesome Wife, Sister, and even daughter, but I was truly made
to be a Mommy.  Made to wipe snotty noses and clean dirty diapers.  Made
to make bottles at 3 am, and made to rock you back to sleep at 5 am.  Made to pick up
toys all over our house, and give you bubble baths every.single.night.   Made to love, fight, and protect
my sweet baby boy that God gave me!!

You make me laugh when I want to cry, Smile when I feel like frowning,
You make me want to be a better person, a better Mother.
Only because I want the best for you that life has to offer!

My sweet Colston Ance, You will do big things in your life, and go big places.  No matter
where you go, or what you do, know that Daddy and I will always love you with all of our hearts baby boy!

With tears in our eyes, and smiles on our faces, Happy 1st Birthday Colston Ance!!!
We love you more than life alone!!