Sorry for Missing in Action for so long now. I think it's been since Colston turned 1... yikes! What happened to keeping a log on here for my baby's life?! Anywoo!!
Quick update, and a compilation of of pictures, then from here on out I'll do a weekly update on my baby bug.
Colston is now 17 months old, and is smarter than a whip (in my opinion). He has accomplished Advanced skills for an 18 month old and steadly suprises me daily. His current popular words are No, eat, cup, ball, dog, Addie, Momma, Daddy, Maw Maw, Nanna, Poppa, Sa Sa, Chaley, baby, bath, pee pee, poo poo, hello, bye, and the ever so popular "Oh shit". Thanks to his wonderful Mother... SMH
At his 15 month check up he was 31lbs, and 34 inches and size 4, diaper. His clothing size is 24 months.
You sleep all night, from about 7:30pm until about 6:00 Am, in your own room.
Just 2 weeks ago we also transitioned you from 2 naps to one. Use to, you napped morning and noon. Now, you just nap around 11:30 and I think this has really helped out your sleepiness in the afternoons.
You are currently pee peeing on the potty before each bath, every night.
He LOVES to play outside, play with Cousin Chaley, watch baby tv, some of Nick Jr., and the ever so popular Baby Einstein movies. His favorite toy is any truck that he can roll around on the floor. His other favorite item is his red cars couch.
Brushing his teeth (which he loves to do)
Rocking in his first rocking chair
He loves his rocking Horse
Eating at a Big Boy table
Eating with a spoon for the first time
Come on in!!
First Trip to Park

Allergy Testing
First "real" Hair Cutt
Christmas Morning 15 M
Early Morning 15M
Lunch with the girls 16M
Hangin with Momma
17 Months...
Havin fun in the tub
Bad case of bed head 17M Colson and Daddy
2nd Big boy hair cutt
Colston Ance, I love you so. Please stay little forever!!